Uprising (Dark Horizons 1) Read online

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Chapter Two

  Ryder busied himself overseeing the loading of supplies onto the trucks. People formed a line, handing off boxes of canned food and bags of clothing until the box truck was full. The rest of their trucks would have to remain empty until they reached New York. Hopefully, they’d be able to fill them there.

  Ace sauntered up and Ryder had to stop and stare at the tee the vampire wore.

  “Is that a fucking cat sticking out of your pocket?”

  Ace lifted a bulky shoulder. “I’m man enough to wear a pussy. What of it?” He pushed down the top of the pocket to reveal the rest of the white embroidered cat who was now giving Ryder the finger.

  “You’re a sick bastard,” Ryder stated.

  “Which is why you love me.” He flashed a toothy grin.

  Ryder simply shook his head. “What’s our status?”

  “Things are moving along surprisingly well. We should be ready to roll out on time.”

  “Good. I want armed guards in the jeeps stationed front and rear. Spread the rest out amongst the convoy in case we run into any trouble.” They would be leaving town with two full box trucks, two empty, four vans and six SUV’s. Space was going to be tight, but they would make it work.

  “Do you expect any?”

  “I always expect trouble. Though the news leaking through has claimed most of New York City is deserted, there will be those who were unable to get out. Some may join us, others will try to form their own society. They won’t want to give anything up.”

  “It seems weird to be heading in the wrong direction. Do you think Liam is still alive?” Ace ran a hand across his new military cut. Ryder hadn’t heard from his friend in several days. Not since Liam had reported the city still had supplies.

  “He’s resourceful if nothing else.” Liam was a good friend who once had been stationed at Raven Rock, also known as Site R. An underground government complex. “Either way, the east and west coasts have been hit hardest so far. If we want to sustain through this, we go where there will be supplies. Liam promised New York was ripe for the picking. We need to make a grab for whatever we can before everything is gone. There will definitely be those who will seek to pillage, same as us.” He looked at his watch then wondered why he would even care about time anymore. Habits were hard to break.

  “Start getting everyone ready and in the vehicles. I want to roll out within the hour.”

  Ace nodded and strode away. Ryder accepted a clipboard from a passerby and flipped through the pages. They had a hundred people. Of those, thirty were vampires, fifty human men and only twenty women. Not nearly enough females. “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath and stalked away. He hadn’t gotten more than a couple of feet when he was stopped.


  He turned to face Jaden. “What is it?”

  “It’s Gordy, something weird is happening to him. You’d better take a look.”

  Ryder gave a curt nod. “Lead the way.” Damn, he hoped it wasn’t serious. They didn’t need this shit right now. Gordy was a recently turned vampire by about two weeks. So far, they’d been lucky, and the transformations had gone without a hitch. This was a new process, however, something was bound to go wrong sooner or later. He followed Jaden back inside and down the corridor that led to the offices in the back. There he found Gordy sitting on the couch, his fingers shoved into his mass of brown curls.

  Ryder moved forward. “What is it?”

  “I don’t know.” Gordy held out his arm. “This started to show up a few minutes ago. Burns like hell.”

  On Gordy’s forearm were black, sweeping lines, a heart with a horizontal figure eight through the center.

  “A tattoo of a heart?” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “You called me in here for a fucking mistake you made while on a binge?” He stared at the other vampire. “At least get some damn taste. A heart?”

  Gordy’s dark brows pinched together. “Fuck you. Last thing I had was the vein. Not that I haven’t tried to tie one on.”

  Getting drunk these days did seem a bit more difficult. Apparently, vampires had a faster metabolism. Most Ryder had gained since his transformation was a good buzz that only lasted a few hours. Another damn thing that pissed him off. At least he could still fuck, that was something. A sensation he didn’t care for one bit spread over him. “How long ago did you tap the vein?”

  Gordy shrugged. “Early this morning. Three hours ago maybe.”

  “How do you feel?”

  “Like I said, the mark burns.” Gordy seemed to contemplate for a moment. “I… I have this urge to find the female I drank from and”—his gaze flicked up, dark as coal—“I want to mark her. Make sure no other man touches her.”

  “Son of a bitch.” This was not what he wanted to hear right now, or ever for that fact. He knew that angels and demons had some kind of mating mark. Was this the same thing? “Listen, we don’t have time to figure all of this out.” He turned to Jaden. “Do you know who this girl is?”


  “Find her and bring her to me.”

  “Got it.” Jaden took off and Gordy let out a feral growl. Ryder brought his focus back to the vampire who had leaped from his seat, fists bunched at his side.

  “Back down, soldier,” he commanded.

  Gordy shot a lethal glare as if he was going to question the command. Opened his mouth but Ryder grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the ground, slamming the vampire against the wall. He’d been strong before but never could he lift a human male with one arm.

  “I’ll take you out without hesitation if I deem you pose a threat to anyone. Especially the female. Now, get a fucking grip on yourself and fight whatever this is. I will not allow another male to touch her. Understood?”

  Gordy relaxed slightly. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  “She will ride in the convoy with me, and you will accept that I am in charge here. I will keep her safe.” Damn but they were like a pack of wolves and Ryder their alpha. So be it. Ryder released him.

  “I trust you. What the hell is happening to me?”

  “I fear somehow you have created a bond with her. Question is how, and does it go both ways?” He glanced at the marking. “As far as that? I’ve no idea.”

  Kayla made her way into town, only coming across a few abandoned vehicles. At least she assumed they were, not having the courage to stop and check for signs of life. It wasn’t likely there was anyone alive, or they wouldn’t have left their only way out of hell alongside the road.

  As she maneuvered her way down Main Street, a chill crept up her spine. Franklin was a small, sleepy place filled with historic buildings and normally bustled with activity this time of year. Yet, as she drove, it was eerily quiet. There were no cars in the parking slots. No people milling the street. With Thanksgiving only a few weeks away, the town was half decorated for the holidays. She tried not to think about how there would be no family. No turkey dinner and never again would she smell her mother’s pies baking in the oven. She forced back the tears that threatened to undo her once again. Somehow, she had to learn not to feel.

  Kayla slammed on her brakes and stared at the horror in front of her. Bodies were scattered on the sidewalks and street. People had collapsed where they stood, and that was where they perished. Memories surfaced of her father and her carrying her mother then her sister into the back to dig their graves. Thankfully, it had been a warm November, and the ground hadn’t frozen. There was no funeral service. No time to mourn. Only a few words of prayer uttered and back to fighting for survival. When her father started to feel the illness set in, he’d gone out and begun digging his own grave.

  “Papa, what are you doing?” She tried grabbing the shovel from his grip, but he jerked away, his strength surprising her. “You should be resting.”

  “Kayla, I’m good as dead. I’ll not have my daughter digging my grave.” He jabbed the shovel into the ground and faltered. Her heart broke. Rather than crumble in front of him, she pulled her shoulders back, g
rabbed another shovel, and silently helped.

  She scrubbed tears from her cheeks and wished those horrible memories could be erased from her mind. But there was no way to forget her father’s last breath. No way to wipe away how she had to drag him outside and bury him. Alone. The last of her family. These people––many she had known her entire life––hadn’t even had anyone to bury them. No one had said a prayer. Her lip trembled as more tears washed down her face. She knew it was bad, but never had she been prepared for this. What did the rest of the world look like? She slammed her eyes shut, wanting to close the nightmare out.

  A knock on her window caused her to jump and let out a scream. A woman, covered in the familiar, green, pus-filled sores stared back at her with bloodshot eyes. She wore no coat to ward off the November air and Kayla’s heart broke.

  “Help me.” The woman’s voice barely audible through the glass.

  Kayla shook her head. “I can’t help you.” Visions of watching her own family die flashed in front of her and the tears came harder.

  “Please,” the woman begged. Desperation filled her eyes. “You can run me over with the car. Kill me.” She pounded on the window.

  “No. I-I can’t.”

  The woman dropped to her knees, pleading. “Please. Don’t let me die here alone. My family is already gone.” She sobbed. “I’m so afraid.”

  Kayla’s heart shattered with an understanding of the pain this woman experienced. She too had thought she was going to die alone, but the sores never came and she survived. It was hard to decide which was worse. Dying alone or surviving without those you loved. She looked over at the passenger seat and forced back the bile shoving its way up her throat. What would her father do? There was no doubt what the retired Navy Seal would choose. Kayla pressed the button to lower her window.

  “I’ll help you if you’re positive it’s what you want.”

  The woman pushed to her feet. Stumbled but caught herself and straightened. “P-please. I don’t want to die like the others.”

  “Okay, I’m going to open the door.”

  The woman nodded and shuffled back. “I won’t touch you. Swear it.”

  Kayla grabbed her pistol and got out of the vehicle.

  “I’m not worried about getting infected.” She dared not speak of being a survivor. “What’s your name?”

  “Mary.” The woman’s gaze wandered to the gun in Kayla’s hand, then her back straightened. Hope shone in her tired eyes. “Yes.” She moved to the sidewalk, turned, and faced Kayla. “I’m ready.”

  Kayla’s hand shook and the damn tears kept blurring her vision. Twice she raised the weapon and lowered it. Sweat trickled down her temple, and she wanted to vomit. She wasn’t a murderer. Hell, her father had always joked how his daughter was the most gentle person he knew. She didn’t even like to swat a fly. Yet, her father had taught her how to defend herself using weapons, her wit, and, if necessary, her body. She could take down a two-hundred-pound man with her bare hands, but she was having a hard time hurting the frail woman in front of her.

  “Do it. Don’t leave me to die alone,” Mary shouted, making sure she was heard.

  A final time Kayla raised her weapon and aimed the sight between Mary’s eyes. “May God––if he really does exist––have mercy on us both.” She pulled in a deep breath then exhaled and squeezed the trigger.

  Ryder settled in the driver’s seat of the Expedition. The girl who had set Gordy on a fast train to crazyville was in the back seat. Jaden was to his right on the passenger side, the vampire’s Colt M4A1 ready for anything that threatened them. Ryder’s own HK45 was tucked into the shoulder harness ready to defend. They would follow the SUV carrying four of his best soldiers, including Gordy, so the vampire could remain close to the female. At the rear of their convoy was another SUV full of soldiers. When things had fallen apart, many––including Ryder––expected the military to recall them to active duty, but it never happened. He was fairly certain the entire government and military had fallen apart.

  Ryder shoved the gear shift into drive and followed the leader out of the warehouse and onto the street. No sooner had they started to roll then they stopped.

  Ace’s voice came over the radio. “Ryder, we’ve got a female standing in front of us, waving her arms for us to stop.”

  Shit. While they could use more women, he had decided to wait until they reached their destination. He’d already accounted for all those traveling with them, and any extra space was loaded with supplies. There was no more room. He clicked the mic.

  “Tell her we are full, but if she has a vehicle, she’s welcome to follow.” Ryder waited for a reply and a minute later it came.

  “She says she had to walk the last mile cuz she ran out of gas.”

  “Tell her I’m sorry then. Maybe she can scout for a vehicle here and get to Site R.”

  They began moving again when suddenly a flash caught his attention and something hit the side of his SUV. He slammed on his brakes, whipped out his pistol, and lowered his window. Standing in the dusty sunlight was a slender female. One hand planted on her hip, the other held a rock large enough to put a dent in his head.

  “You should take care throwing objects at a moving vehicle.”

  “You’re a dick, you know that?” she shouted back.

  He couldn’t help the twitch at the corner of his mouth. “And you expect me to give refuge when you insult me?”

  “I wouldn’t ask you for food if I was dying of starvation. However, I promised my father I would survive, and he swore you would help me accomplish that objective.”

  Those words tugged at him. “Move closer.”

  The female held her ground. Ok, so she was going to test his patience. “Are you defying me already?”

  Her chin went up. “Fucking right I am. I don’t take orders from you.”

  A soft chuckle escaped his lips. “You intend to break your promise to your father then?”

  Her posture stiffened. “You’re a bastard. I told him as much, yet he said to seek you out. He trusted you.”

  Curiosity got the better of him. “Who is your father?”

  Finally, she dropped the rock and strode forward, her reluctance evident yet she walked with pride. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled free a piece of paper and held it out. He glanced at Jaden whose blond brows were slanted upward.

  “Cover me, I’m getting out.” He pushed open his door and stepped down. In three strides, he was to her. Was able to take in all of her. From the pink-streaked hair that framed her face, to her silver eyes. She had to look up slightly to focus on him.

  “Are you going to take the paper or stare at my boobs?”

  He lifted a shoulder. “I can’t fathom how this paper could hold a candle to your tits.” He pulled the note from her fingers, and she crossed her arms, covering the lovely view.

  “Ass,” she muttered.

  He grinned and moved his head to catch a view of her backside. “Yes, it’s rather nice as well.”

  She muttered more obscenities under her breath as he unfolded the paper.

  Chapter Three

  God, did she want to punch this guy in the face. What an arrogant, bossy, self-centered prick. More than once she almost walked away. The only thing stopping her was the promise to her father. She studied the man in front of her. Sure, he was striking with his short dark hair and well-groomed, three-day shadow that covered a strong jaw. Eyes the color of melted chocolate bore straight to her soul. The black tattoo on the left side of his neck peeked out from under the collar of his leather jacket. She wondered what the rest of it looked like.

  Stop looking at him!

  “Now who’s checking who out?” he chuckled.

  Damn it. Caught in the act. “I’ve no idea what you mean. I’m simply sizing you up in case I have to kick your ass.”

  This time he outright laughed then turned serious. “Your father is Stan Reed?” He raised a questioning brow.

  “Was. The Red Death took him
.” She tried not to choke up when speaking of his death. Show no weakness.

  “Damn. Captain Reed was a fine man. Well respected by myself and several men in this convoy. I’m sorry for your loss.” He folded the paper and handed it back to her. “You will be under my protection.” He jerked his head toward the black SUV. “It will be tight, but we can squeeze you in here if you don’t mind being uncomfortable.”

  Comfort was history. “Am I going to have to offer blood and sex?” She was well aware of his rules and despised them.

  “Sex is your choice, but I must insist you help nourish my men.” He seemed to contemplate for a moment. “Because you are Captain Reed’s daughter, I will make a concession and ask you to only feed one of my men.”

  “One? Do I get to pick?”

  “No. He will be of my choosing, but you will have the same protection as all the other women.”

  “Which is?”

  “You will be treated with respect. No means no, and any male who breaks this rule will be dealt with swiftly.”

  “What does swiftly mean, exactly?” She knew there was a hidden meaning behind everything. Her father had taught her that.

  “Death. I will not allow my men or any others who come along to harm a woman. On this I will not bend.”

  She didn’t doubt for one second the man in front of her would keep his word. Kayla wasn’t naïve and knew that being a female in this new world would be full of danger. People would be at their worst. “Fine. I accept.” What else was she supposed to do? Her father trusted this man and therefore Kayla was forced to do the same.

  He held open the back door for her.

  “I’ll move,” replied a young blonde who had scurried all the way to the back before Kayla blinked.

  “Thanks.” She climbed in, got settled, then Ryder shut the door. Climbing into the driver seat, he made an imposing figure in front of her.

  I made it Dad, as promised. Now she only had to continue to survive. The thought of someone drinking her blood left her edgy. How did this happen? Did they really have fangs? She hadn’t noticed any on Ryder. His flash of pearly whites had been without sharp points. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she turned to the mousy girl next to her.